The public-private partnership contracts have become since the creation of the Ministry of International Cooperation and Promotion of Public-Private Partnership on July 06, 2021, the spearhead of economic renewal in the Republic of Congo.
In a communiqué dated January 12, 2023, by the said ministry, the law n°88-2022 of December 30, 2022, relating to the contracts of public-private partnership was promulgated by the Congolese Head of State Mr. Denis Sassou N’Guesso.
This law is part of the reforms carried out by the Congolese government, which wishes to create a favorable ecosystem around private investment to develop several sectors including agriculture, tourism, special economic zones, forestry and other services.
The law on public-private partnership contracts has come to fill a legal vacuum and to give confidence to investors while guaranteeing objectivity, transparency, competition and equal opportunities for private sector actors.
According to the provisions of Article 3 of the law on public-private partnership contracts, the contract is defined as “the administrative contract by which the State, a local authority, a public establishment or a company with a majority holding, entrusts to a legal person under private law or a group of legal persons under private law for a determined period of time, all or part of the design, construction, financing, transformation, operation, management, maintenance, rehabilitation or upkeep of a public asset, equipment, infrastructure or public service“.
Indeed, this is a legal instrument, distinct from public procurement contracts, intended to govern the legal relationship between the Congolese State, local authorities, or legal persons under public law and national and international private partners, to whom the former have recourse for missions of general interest.
It is in this sense that the legislator wished to provide these contracts with their own legal regime, through this law on public-private partnership contracts, which we will analyze below: